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Lead time 4 weeks!!
Unless otherwise stated
All orders are built in order received.
**You will get Tracking the moment your order is filled.**
New Year sale event 15% off!!
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Text Me: 361-243-0431
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Here are some of my most recent builds.
We now off Mil-Spec Braided Sleeving. This sleeve is MUCH more flexible than heat shrink in any temperature. If you are in a cold climate or are ordering a larger harness like the Warrior or Banshee Road Legal Harness, I really recommend you go with the braided option. Braid is more expensive and it also takes me twice as long to put a harness together, so there is a price difference. We also offer LABELING. If you are new to your machine or ordering a custom harness, I strongly recommend you request your harness to be labeled for a painless installation.
I will use heat shrink labels or vinyl wrap labels as seen in the pictures to the left. Thank you for taking the time to read!

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